Leap Day
Leap Day is a fast paced action platformer with a brand new level every day!
...no really EVERY DAY!
...like until the END OF TIME!
・A brand new level you can finish every day!
・Set in a different location every day!
・Everyone will have exactly the same level every day!
・Different traps every day!
・Different monsters every day!
・Finish the day and get a gold trophy stamp on your calendar... every day! (As long as you're good enough!)
・Did we get across there's a ton of new stuff every day?
・Simple one touch gameplay in portrait orientation. A perfect platformer on the go!
・A colourful and stunning pixel art world. Retro nostalgia is a go!
・A real labour of love from the whole Nitrome team!
Important information
This game contains third party advertising and cross promotion for other nitrome games, both which can be removed via a one time In App Purchase.
レトロなグラフィックスのクライミングアクションゲーム「Leap Day」を紹介する「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」第1156回

本日の「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」では,レトロなグラフィックスのスマホアプリ「Leap Day」を紹介する。本作は,ジャンプを駆使してさまざまな障害物を避けながらステージの最上部を目指すクライミングアクションゲーム。遊べるステージが日替わりで変化するため,毎日違ったステージを遊べるのが特徴だ。
[2016/06/20 10:00]動作スペック
(C)Nitrome Ltd