Beneath The Lighthouse
"I stare at the horizon every night before I sleep hoping to catch a glimpse of the lighthouse.The light reminds me of Grandpa and my summer visits playing on the cliffs. That warm life saving beacon not only saves ships, it keeps me safe too. Grandpa’s there just across the water watching over me.
But the lighthouse hasn't shone now for days and the fog is thick!What's happened?It's time to visit Grandpa!"
Beneath the lighthouse is a serene puzzle action game about a boy in search of his lost Grandpa. Your journey will take you through mysterious mechanical wheels that lay beneath the lighthouse!
**Beneath The Lighthouse is optimized for iPhone5, iPad3, iPad mini2 and iPod Touch 5G or Newer. You can try it on older devices, but we can’t guarantee a smooth rolling experience!
- This game is free to play or can be unlocked to a premium experience-
We use advertising to monetise the experience. There are no coins/gems/booster to pay for or timers. The free version of the game contains a lives system which is carefully balanced to be fair but that makes the game slightly harder than premium.
Premium unlock:
We offer a single iAP to unlock the game to a premium experience. The premium version contains no 3rd party ads and we remove the lives system.
This game contains cross promotion for other Nitrome games and this is not removed with the IAP for removal of ads.
ステージを回転させてゴールへ。スマホ向けパズルアクション「Beneath The Lighthouse」を紹介する「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」第1637回

本日の「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」では,スマホ向けパズルアクションゲーム「Beneath The Lighthouse」を紹介しよう。プレイヤーが操るのはキャラではなく,ステージだ。さまざまな障害物が仕掛けられたステージをスワイプで回転させ,主人公をゴール地点へ導こう。
[2018/02/08 10:00]動作スペック
(C)2015 Nitrome