Spicy Piggy
This game contains third party advertising and cross promotion for other Nitrome games, both which can be removed via a one time In App Purchase.
Can you handle your chili?
Blast passed hardcore enemies, tackle tricky platforms, be the chili eating contest victor!
In Spicy Piggy, set a world beating time and test your reactions while literally on fire. Succeed and you will be rewarded with some refreshing Cool-Aid.
・One button play, easy to do, difficult to master.
・Exciting worlds containing Killer Robots, Terrifying Trees and Sadistic Soft Toys.
・Fast paced gameplay requiring ninja pig reactions
・Time Trials, become the worlds best on this global stage.
・Loads of challenging levels.
・The hardest platformer EVER!
子豚を走らせて完走しよう。スマホ向け横スクロールアクション「Spicy Piggy」を紹介する「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」第1951回

本日の「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」では,子豚を操作して,さまざまな障害を突破しながらゴールを目指す,スマホ向け横スクロールアクションゲーム「Spicy Piggy」を紹介しよう。テンポの良さと疾走感が魅力のタイトルだ。
[2019/03/06 10:00]動作スペック
(C)Nitrome Ltd