SF MMORPG「EVE Online」のパッチ Revelations 1.4が,3月20日(現地時間)にリリースされた。このパッチでは,ゲーム全体のバランス調整が行われており,コントラクトシステムのアップグレード,インタフェースの修正など,さまざまな部分が変更されている。 GDC 2007の取材では,サポートも日本語で行う予定があるということだったので,パッチの概要も日本語化されることを期待しつつ,詳細を下に引用したリリース文(英語)で確認しよう。
また,今回のパッチで行われた日本語化は,イントロムービーやキャラクター作成といった部分で,それほど大きな進展はないという。日本語化は,今後リリースされる小さなパッチで少しずつ進んでいき,Revelations 2で完成する予定とのことだ。(noguchi)
* Carrier pilots can now access all divisions of their ships corporate hangar without the required corporate roles. * The Caracal Navy Issue now receives a missile velocity bonus for heavy assault missiles. * The Gila's description now displays the correct bonus to kinetic missile damage, no longer listing other incorrect bonuses. * The Maelstrom's shield boost bonus was being rounded down to 7%. It has been resolved and 7.5% is applied per the description.
* Overdrive Injection Systems give a velocity bonus only. * Nan fiber Internal Structures give a mass reduction bonus only. * Inertia stabilizers give an agility bonus only. * Hakim's shield amplifiers have been increased to 30% resistance. * You can now only activate one ECM Burst at a time. * The description for the Auto Targeting System II module now displays the proper number of maximum locked targets (+3). * Armor Repair values are now stacking nerfed like Shield Boost values. * Descriptions for Cyber Armor modules have been fixed. * Certain Sensor Backup Arrays that were missing from their market group have now been added. * Shield thermal damage resistance icon now matches all the other "thermal damage resistance" icons. * The ZET500 and ZET5000 implant descriptions have been corrected. * All modules should be online when a ship fitted with a rig giving a bonus to power grid is activated. * The range of named large shield transporters has been increased by 14% to be inline with smaller named shield transporters.
* The fitting window can now be opened in space next to a ship assembly array thus allowing rigs to be fitted to ships in space. * An issue where you couldn't destroy rigs without repackaging your ship has been resolved. On the fitting screen, right click the module and select destroy. * The Drone speed augmentor rig's bonus is properly applied. * The description for the Signal Focusing Kit II rig has been fixed. * The descriptions for rigs that don't work on capital sized modules reflect this restriction. * The descriptions for rigs that are affected by stacking penalty now reflect this limitation. * The Sentry Damage Augmentor rig bonus is applied properly. * Propellant Injection Vent rigs have been changed into Auxiliary Thrusters rigs.
* A new Start Page tab has been added to the contracts window containing useful information in the form of 'links of interest' that lead to various pages in the contracts system. ** The new Start Page is updated when relevant information changes while logged in such as when outbid on an auction, a contract is completed, etc. * The Neo-Com Contracts button blinks when a contract requires your attention. * An new option to filter (ignore) all contracts from a contract issuer has been added. Contracts from ignored issuers will no longer be listed after a search in the Available Contracts tab. You can then view and remove characters from the ignore list by clicking a link in the start page tab of the contracts window. * Two new filters have been added to the Available Contracts tab for auction, item exchange and loan contracts, these are: ** Category: Shows only contracts that contain an item that belongs in the selected category (ship, module, blueprint etc.) ** Groups: when a category is selected the groups filter displays all groups within that category, thus allowing you to make more specific searches (cruisers, warp core stabs, etc.) * Auction and Item Exchange contracts can be searched simultaneously in the Available Contracts tab. * Missing items have been added to the item type filter in the Available Contracts tab. * The filters inside the Available Contracts tab have been moved around a bit between the top and bottom row depending on what is most commonly used. * In the Available Contracts tab you can change the view filter to global search, this allows you to search in all regions simultaneously. * Contracting skill now allows you to create 4 contracts per level instead of 3, up to a maximum of 21. * The detailed Contract list in the Available Contracts tab has been restructured to give more relevant information to the user: When the mouse is then moved over a contract it will show additional information in a tooltips popup. The height of each entry has been reduced by 30%. * Modules fitted on ships are now shown in step 4 in the contract creation menu. * Auction contracts can no longer be assigned to corporations other than your own. * Sorting by price and date when in simple view in the Available Contracts tab has now been corrected. * Loaded modules on ships that are placed into contracts are now unloaded into the station hangar automatically when the contract is created. * The affordable checkbox in the Available Contract tab has been removed. * Multiple items can now be selected in the item selection of the contract creation menu by holding down the SHIFT key. It is also possible to put multiple items into a contract by selecting them directly in the hangar and selecting "Create Contract" from the context menu. * Corporation Wallet Journal now includes information about the corporation member who made the contract transaction. * The list in the Available Contracts tab should load quicker. * An issue with the description of freeform contracts being lost in the contract creation menu when hitting the previous button has been fixed. * Corp members that do not have corp roles are no longer notified when corporate contracts change status. * A problem with calculating volume of repackaged ships in courier contracts has been fixed.
* Market group ordering has been changed to more closely match the Contract drop down list. * Faction ammo can now be sold on the market. * The green highlight in the Markets Buy Orders section correctly highlights orders you can sell to while docked at stations. * Highwall and Yeti implants have been added to the market.
* Tech 2 blueprints now display the tech 2 icon. * Mobile Warp Disruptor tech 2 blueprints invention run times and invention chance have been fixed. * Wastage is now applied to Outpost construction platform blueprints. * Show info on blueprints inside contracts now show the correct research levels. * You can now open a show info window on blueprints that are being used in S&I jobs. * The blueprint copy time of the Moa cruiser blueprint has been reduced to be inline with other cruiser copy times. * The blueprint mineral requirements for manufacturing the Small, Medium & Large Energy Transfer Array I & II have been corrected.
Missions, Dungeons and NPCs
* Pop-up messages have been added to some highsec and lowsec exploration sites to clarify what actions have to be taken in order to unlock the gates. * The Cargohold no longer becomes inaccessible when opened while talking to agents. * Numerous changes have been made to over a 100 commonly used agent missions to improve the performance of the game as a part of the Need4Speed initiative. * Rogue Drone escalating path dungeons should now escalate appropriately instead of not escalating at all. * Mission NPCs now leave a wreck when they are destroyed. * NPC ships that do not drop any salvegeable materials will drop a container instead of a wreck when destroyed. * Exploration: the drop rate of datacores in hacking sites has been increased. * Exploration: the drop rate of hacking/encryption skill books in archaeology sites has been increased. * Some NPC effect attributes have been corrected. * Some Gurista and Angel Cartel NPCs had incorrect stats, such as damage, resistance and speeds. These have been adjusted to be in line with other NPC groups. * Numerous NPCs missile and effect range problems have been resolved. The orbit range is no longer greater than the effect/missile range. * Sansha's Demon, Sansha's Berserker and Sansha's Battletower now drop the correct loot. * Dire Pithi Wrecker, Plunderer as well as Dire Guristas Wrecker and Plunderer were having orbit range problems for guns and missile. This has been fixed. * The following ship types are now leaving wrecks when destroyed: Interceptors, Logistic Ships, Recon Ships and Stealth bombers. * New NPCs introduced in content updates will be visible in the overview with the "Pirate NPC" option selected. * Cruiser sized modules will no longer drop in Serpentis battleship wrecks. * Some overseer structures that are supposed to drop loot will now do so.
Character Creation, Skills and The New Player Experience
* Options in the character creation process can now be double-clicked to continue to the next step. * Character Creation now displays the attributes gained from Learning skills. * It is no longer possible to create a character without distributing all attributes. * The following skills can no longer be trained on Trial accounts: Anchoring, Starbase Tactical Officer, Cloaking, Cynosural Field Theory, Drug Manufacturing, Gas Cloud Harvesting and all field-specific R&D Agent skills. * Electronics level 1 has been added to the Minmatar Military career path. This resolves a training glitch, as the Minmatar military has been training cadets in Signature Analysis without training Electronics. * Skills now display different icons to denote their training status, i.e.: silver- untrained, gold- trained, gold w/ flipped page- in training or partially trained, dark brown- level5. * It is now possible to view all trainable skills on your character sheet by checking the "show all trainable skills" box. * It is now possible to view all partially trained on your character sheet by checking the "show partially trained skills" box. * The description of the skill Scrapmetal Processing has been revised to better explain the function of the skill. * The descriptions of the skills Contracting and Corporation Contracting have been updated to better describe their function.
* The research point cost to purchase datacores from research agents has been decreased dramatically. * Decryptors now add to the max runs outcome of the blueprints as originally intended. * The limit of data cores you can buy each day has been raised to 4000. * Drop rate of Encryption Method skills has been increased. * Drop rate of data cores has been increased. * The invention requirements of the 75mm Railgun have been corrected. * The Hulk is now listed as a variant for T1 mining barges and can be invented as a result.
* Control towers anchored at a moon are now moved into the center of the grid, up to 100km+ from the warp-in point. This has been done to resolve various grid issues with control towers. * An issue with starbase sentry guns not resuming aggression if restocked with ammo after depletion has been fixed. * It is now possible to remove ammo from anchored sentry guns and missile batteries. * The storage capacity of Mobile Laboratories has been increased to 25.000m3 to facilitate invention. * The description of the Caldari Control Tower was changed to specify that it gives a -75% bonus to ECM Jamming Battery Target Cycling Speed. * Directors now receive low-fuel EVE-mail notifications for starbases.
* The IGB no longer adds a dot at the end of links that do not have a dot in them, i.e. http://link/. * An issue with adding bookmarks to the IGB has been fixed. * A UI issue with adding/removing trusted sites in the IGB has been resolved.
* Logging off inside a warp disrupt bubble (mobile warp disrupt or interdictor bubble) no longer triggers an emergency warp. * An issue where you own character would show up with "random" standing-icons in chatchannels, has been resolved. * Station Lobby now differentiates corporations that have an actual office/hq in the station and corporations that only have their headquarters in station. This makes it easier to see what corporations have an actual office in the station. * Issues with the overview window disappearing and going beyond the screensize's height have been resolved. * In the "Science and Industry" window, the range selector in the "jobs" tab, is now a top-level option; allowing you to easily filter out jobs where needed. * Ice belts have been removed from all systems with 0.8+ security standing. * Wrecks that contain loot can now be salvaged without having to remove the loot first. * An asteroid seeding issue in the G5KW region has been addressed. * A message that popped up when changing the CSPA charge has been changed so that it correctly states that the maximum charge that can be set is 100.000 ISK. * Resizing the overview no longer causes wrecks to appear empty. * Fixed an issue with pasting a large amount of text into an eve mail or chat window, text will now be pasted and if too long truncated. * An issue has been fixed with stations services not working after using the shortcut CTRL+ALT+W to close all windows. * Corporate standing takes low standing members into account. * Reset windows to default positions in the ESC menu has been fixed. * An issue with the gang broadcast buttons being misplaced after undocking has been fixed. * Dungeon broadcast messages are now received by characters not in a gang. Now “solo” characters receive the broadcast text message and a sound is played as well to notify them. * A shortcut option to the fitting screen has been added to the shortcut tab in the ESC menu. * Systems in Jovian space have been changed to true 0.0 security status to avoid standing loss issues in future tournaments. * An option to sort by slot has been added to hangars with view in list mode. * Ward console and Enhanced Ward console have had their icons swapped, as they where not correct. * “Ghost” icons no longer remain stuck on screen if the item being dragged was destroyed or moved.